the 2022 READ YOUR BOOKSHELF CHALLENGE!! 📢 two giveaways and reading prompts for every month!
For those who have filled out this form on my previous website, no worries, your entries are still there so there is no need to do them again!
Welcome to the third annual Read Your Bookshelf Challenge!
This is a low pressure reading challenge with reading prompts for every month of the year.
Plus, is a reading challenge any good if it doesn’t include a book giveaway? (I think not, so my reading challenges always include giveaways.)

You can watch the announcement video below for info on what the prompts are for each month, I also suggest two books I would recommend as well as the book I would read for that prompt if I was choosing right now.
You can enter to win a book stack shirt like I’m wearing in the video, those details are in the video. For details for the $100 giftcard, keep reading!
Oh, and if you like bookish things, make sure you are signed up for my book-ish newsletter as well as subscribed to my book-ish channel over on YouTube.
You can also head over to my prompt generator website, Hey Reader, to keep track of the books you are reading for the year.
I would also love for you to follow me over on Instagram – I’m Chantel Reads All Day.
For January the prompt is quiet, this can have any kind of quiet word in the title including: silent, still, echo, etc.
February’s prompt is to read a book with love in the title. This one should be fairly easy to achieve!

In March we will reading books that have something to do with growth. The word can be in the title, there can be something growing on the cover or some kind of growth can happen in the book.
April will have you searching for a book that has your initials in the title. My apologies for those who will have a difficult time with this one, I’m right there with you!
May will be a pretty easy one because you will read a book by a new-to-you author.

June will have you search for a book that has a book on the cover.
In July we’ll be tackling a book we’ve been avoiding but actually want to read. Who knows, it may end up being a new favorite!
August we will read a book that has a body part in the title.
September will have us reading a collection. This could be a collection of poetry, short stories, etc. Make the prompts work for you!

In October you will need to read a book with the word “secret” in the title.
Includes books that make you feel cozy or nostalgic, I think this is the perfect time for those types of books!
You’ll need to hunt out a book to read that has a mostly white cover.

You can grab a free printable for the challenge here.
This is the part you are all here for, isn’t it?
Let’s talk about the fun giveaway details!
So, once again, I will be giving away a $100 book-ish* gift certificate at the end of the reading challenge!
*After I pick a winner we’ll discuss which online book company they want me to buy them a $100 gift certificate to.
This giveaway is open worldwide!
You can enter the giveaway once a month, you’ll just need to fill out the form below!