some BOOK MEMES for your weekend
I’m a sucker for a good book meme.
One of the reasons I love the book Book Love so much is because it feels like a collection of book memes (and like someone has spied into my life and written and drawn a book about it).

I wanted to leave you with a few great book memes to help you through the weekend.
I hope you get the chance to pick up a good book!

Ha yes, I’ve always been an inside person, though over the last few years I have been spending more time outside, usually with a book in hand though.

I’m planning a trip to the library in the next hour and can agree this is always the end result.

I wish I enjoyed reading ebooks but they have too many problems for me (doesn’t feel like a book, can’t visually see how far I am – that’s more important than knowing the percentage, seeing it doesn’t instantly make me remember the book I am reading).

100%! Though, I would normally bring along a third one as well, what if book two is a dud?!

Historically this has been a problem of mine but in the last few months I’ve been doing a really good job at reading only one book at a time and I’m finding I much prefer it.
What are you reading this weekend? I’m about 50 pages into Kindred and am hoping to finish it to round out the end of this month’s page count reading challenge!
Book Love
I’ve never felt more known than when I read this book. It felt like someone was spying on my reading life (in a really good way).


Ashlea Marshall
Love the book memes! I regularly carry two books and my tablet around my house because I never know if I’ll want to read my nonfiction book, my fiction book, or my ebook. I’ve been gifting Book Love to my friends for birthdays/Christmas.
Haha, I love that you are carrying multiple books around your house, this is great, Ashlea!
I really should gift myself Book Love, shouldn’t I 😉
Haha, well, it’s definitely one I don’t regret buying! It’s so fun to pick up and randomly flip to a page and know it’s going to apply to my life.