SIX books I’m currently reading
Earlier this year (around the spring) I did an experiment where I tried to read just one (fiction) book at a time instead of reading multiple and no one was more surprised than me that I loved it as much as I did.
For the most part I’ve stuck with reading one book at a time since then but this month that has gone off the rails.
I’m 99% sure it’s this current season of life I’m in (as well as the head cold that I currently have) but not many books are catching my attention right now. It’s actually been to the point in the last few weeks where I’ve questioned if I actually enjoy reading anymore (I do, it’s just a phase and apparently some not-so-great books I’ve picked up).
As a result, I’m reading little bits here and there from a variety of books so I thought I would do a little post sharing the books I’m currently reading and some preliminary thoughts on them.

I went into this one knowing nothing and it’s actually been a fun ride so far. This is the fiction book that I am currently enjoying the most and I’m doing a spoilery vlog for Patreon so that always makes a book even more fun.
Dark Matter

Okay, I’ve always been a fan of Shirley Jackson, and I’ve gotten this book out from the library multiple times and read a number of the short stories and liked them BUT the last half of this book has been pretty lame. (With the exception of The Lottery which I know is amazing.) I keep waiting for the stories in the end to have the same kinds of twists as the short stories in the first half of the book and they just don’t. I only have a few more stories to read from here. This was my pick for the September Read Your Bookshelf Challenge prompt.
The Lottery and Other Stories

This book is one I’m supposed to read for a class in my church. (To be honest, I was supposed to be done it yesterday but the head cold definitely got in the way.) So far I would HIGHLY recommend this book, I’m tabbing and highlighting like crazy.
Total Church

This one I pulled out of the jar for my September TBR, it’s one of the books my patrons suggested for me to read. They haven’t steered me wrong yet so I have high hopes, I’m not far enough in this one to have any thoughts yet though.
The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell

This is a book I have heard so many rave reviews for in the four years that it’s been out so I figured it was about time I read it. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten it out from the library before but never started it. As I enter a new season of life and start some new habits this seems like a good book to read.
Atomic Habits

I’ve heard such good things about this one and I just really want all the cozy vibes right now so I’ve started this one but am only a few pages in yet.
At Home in Mitford

So, I’m reading bits of all of those books, plus a poem or two a day from a bunch of poetry books as well:

For someone who has realized they like to read one book at a time, this is a lot of books at once! I’m hoping to get a few of them crossed off real soon.
What are you currently reading?