book memes that SUM UP MY LIFE
Book memes are always fun so I have a blast picking out a few to share with you for the weekend. Let me know if you can relate to any of these!
Anyone else rate books on how they make you feel or the sheer enjoyment level when they are reading it? I 100% do!

Honestly, I don’t have many hobbies but I have a bunch related to books (buying, researching, reading, talking about . . .).

I have five kids right now, this is my life:

I’ve always been a stay inside and read a book kind of person.

Haha, this has never happened to me . . . oh wait, yes it has.

Can you relate to any of these?

Mostly, interruptions 🙂
Ashlea Marshall
I relate most to the interruptions (4 kids aged 1-8) and the sunburn one (I don’t like summer).