• Old Favorites Made Modern - a modern Anne of Green Gables

    old FAVORITES made modern

    You know when you are really enjoying a book and you wish you could just have more of it? Today I have two fun resources for you where you can continue your enjoyment of two different books! The Lizzie Bennet Diaries I feel like lots of people have probably heard of this first one, and that is The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. If you enjoyed Pride and Prejudice (or even if you didn’t!) I think you’ll love The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.…

  • The Best Christian Non-Fiction I've Read in the Last Year

    the best CHRISTIAN NON-FICTION I’ve read in the last year (or two) plus a giveaway!

    Welcome to my book-ish website for those who haven’t made their way here before! I am so excited to use this space to bring you even more book-ish content. I have so many ideas for different posts for this space so be sure to check back often because there will be new blog posts almost every day of the week! Anyway, it’s been awhile since I shared a list of my favorite Christian non-fiction books (like over a year, maybe…

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    The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible

    Author: Tara-Leigh CobbleHave you ever closed your Bible and thought, What did I just read? Or maybe you have tried to read through the Bible in a year, but quit when it felt confusing or impersonal. The Bible Recap is here to help. Tara-Leigh Cobble, host of the popular podcast The Bible Recap, walks readers through a one-year chronological Bible reading plan and explains each day's passage in an easy-to-understand way. Emphasizing how God's character can be…

  • Uncategorized

    Love Without Borders: How Bold Faith Opens the Door to Embracing the Unexpected

    Author: Angela BraniffFrom the founder of This Gathered Nest YouTube channel, an uplifting story of Angela Braniff's unusual path to becoming the mother to seven children through various methods of adoption and biological approaches, encouraging women and mothers to embrace the unique purpose that God has put in their lives. Angela’s love for life and her family radiates through everything she does. The Braniff household includes their two biological daughters, Kennedy, 12, and Shelby 10; Rosie, 7, who…

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    Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child’s Heart to the Beauty of Learning

    Author: Sally ClarksonSally, what is your secret? For years, parents worldwide have asked beloved author Sally Clarkson how she and her husband have ignited a love for learning and a deep faith in their children. They want to know how the Clarksons launched their children to live such vibrant, flourishing lives as adults. Awaking Wonder is Sally's answer to those questions. This book is thirty-six years in the making and provides a deep dive into Sally's most profound…

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    Love-Centered Parenting: The No-Fail Guide to Launching Your Kids

    Author: Crystal PaineDo you worry that you're messing up your kids? Do you get stressed when you think about their futures? New York Times bestselling author Crystal Paine knows how you feel. A mom of four, Crystal has struggled with anxiety over parenting. She wanted to parent with grace, instead of a system of rules where kids are expected to do all the right things. She wanted to be a safe place for her children, and she…